['headers' => [
'query' => [
'country' => JP,
'carrier' => dhl,
'weight' => 20,
'shippingPrice' => 120.35,
'wineType' => wine,
'quantity' => 12,
'capacity' => 750,
'alcoholDegree' => 12,
'unitPrice' => 5
Retrieve an estimate of the amount of duties and taxes based on the following parameters:
country : country ISO-2 code.
💡Can be retrieved from /api/address/get-countries
carrier :
💡Can be retrieved from /api/shipment/get-rates
weight : shipment total weight in kilograms
shippingPrice :
💡Can be retrieved from /api/shipment/get-rates
wineType : wine | sparkling | spirits
quantity : total number of bottles contained in the shipment
capacity : capacity of one bottle in Mililiter
alcoholDegree : highest alcohol degree contained in the shipment (only float, no % or °C)
unitPrice : average unit value of commodity
â›” Duty and Tax already included in consolidations to USA